Dec. 9, 2024 Town Hall Information and Documents

The following items were shared with homeowners in preparation for the Riviera Gardens Town Hall meeting held on December 9 in person and by Zoom teleconference. A link to video of the complete meeting can be found HERE.

1.  Meeting Agenda

2.  2024 Reserve Study

3.  Summary Report from RTM on electrical panel replacements

4  Summary Report from C. Sigler & Associates on elevated surfaces inspection

5.  Frequently Asked Questions — Electrical Panels

6.  Frequently Asked Questions — Elevated Surfaces .

During the December 9 meeting subject matter experts provided information and responded to homeowner questions. The Town Hall provided an important opportunity to gain greater insight and understanding about the Board’s efforts toward building a strong future for Riviera Gardens, and about crucial decisions still to be made that will affect all of us and our collective investment.

Warm Regards,

Board of Directors

Rivera Gardens HO